FAQ - taxes are wrong on chameleon™

FAQ - taxes are wrong on chameleon™

Troubleshooting Taxes

Taxes on chameleon™ are pulled directly from Visual One.

All incorrect taxes must be reported to Visual One Support.

Tax Exemption Bug

Note: There is a current bug with Tax Exemption that some properties have reported.

chameleon will display the tax structure accurately, however once it is passed into Visual One the reservation needs to be marked as tax exempt in order to display in the PMS accurately.

This causes a challenge for b4checkin's b4mailer program that automatically queries Visual One for pricing information in order to trigger a confirmation.

It also may display incorrectly on the change and cancellation page should the reservation not be adjusted in Visual One.

If a property encounters this scenario, they must log a ticket with Visual One Support.

Need more help?

Create a support ticket

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