Visual One INVENTORY ITEMS & chameleon™ Options & Preferences (WIP)

Visual One INVENTORY ITEMS & chameleon™ Options & Preferences (WIP)

Included Below

About Options, Preferences & Inventory Items

Options and Preferences are items that can be offered by chameleon™ and added to a reservation.

Options are charged items such as alcohol or flowers upon arrival.

Preferences are uncharged items such as a feather pillow or crib in the room.

Both Options and Preferences are added to the Comments field the reservation for Visual One (and Opera and Stand-Alone).

Inventory Items are a feature in Visual One that can also be offered by chameleon™. 

Adding an Option or Preference

  1. The “Show Options”, “Show Preferences” and “Hide Preference Details” flags must be set in Property Settings prior to building the Options and Preferences.

  2. Select “Inventory” then “Manage Options”.

  3. Select “+Add an Option”.

  4. Option Type

    1. Room Option: Option/Preference is associated with a specific Room Type. Example: balcony.

    2. Rate Plan Option: Option/Preference is associated with a specific Rate Plan. Example: Choice of flowers or chocolates for a romance package.  

    3. General Option: Option/Preference that will always appear, when Active. Example: request feather pillows.

    4. Inventory Item: For Visual One only, this Option/Preference will link to an inventoried or non-inventoried item inside Visual One.

  5. Rate Plan ID:

    1. Apply to All Rate Plans: Causes the Option/Preference to appear for all Rate Plans.

    2. Specific Rate Plan: Causes the Option/Preference to appear only for the selected Rate Plan.

  6. Room Type ID: Causes this Option/Preference to appear only for the selected Room Type. Applies to Room Options only.

  7. Sort Order: Determines how this Option/Preference will be sorted on the chameleon™ page.

  8. Option Code: The Option Code designated for this Option.

  9. Price: The price of the option. Note: Option prices cannot change from day to day. 

  10. Tax Type:

    1. Percent Tax: taxes will be a percentage of the price.
    2. Flat Fee Tax: taxes charged will be a flat value.

  11. Value: Tax value to be charged in addition to the price. 

  12. Is Active: Enables the Option/Preference to be booked online.

  13. Is Recurring: Causes the Option/Preference to be charged for each day of the stay.

  14. Person Type:

    1. Apply Option for Adults: Charge for this Option/Preference per Adult.
    2. Apply Option for Children: Charge for this Option/Preference per Child.
    3. Apply Option for Adults and Children: Charge for this Option/Preference per Adult and per Child. 
    4. No Person Specified for Option: Charge for this Option/Preference without relation to occupant counts.

  15. Min Person Count: The minimum number of people required for this Option to be available.

  16. Max Person Count: The maximum number of people required for this Option to be available.

  17. Is Taxable: Select to apply taxes to the Option/Preference.

  18. Start Date: Date on which the Option/Preference is first available.

  19. End Date: Final date on which the Option/Preference is to be available.

    Note: Select the month to fast forward through numerous months, or select the year to fast forward through numerous years.

  20. Option Cut Off Hours: The minimum number of hours of lead time required to order the Option/Preference. Example: You may not be able to accept orders for flowers without 24 hours notice, because you have to order them from a third party.

  21. Is Always Active: Causes the Option/Preference to always be offered, regardless of date criteria.

  22. Is Guest Preference: Designates the Option as a Preference, which does not display a price.

  23. Display in Room Price: Causes the price and taxes to be included in the room charge details.

  24. Max Sellable Quantity: Not currently available for Visual One.

  25. Image: option to upload an image. Recommended size is 518px wide and 394px high.

  26. Enter a Name and Description for the Option/Preference.

  27. Save.

Editing an Option or Preference

  1. Select “Inventory” then “Manage Options”.

  2. Select the Edit icon next to the desired Option/Preference. 

  3. Adjust the appropriate fields.

  4. Save.  

Removing an Option or Preference

An Option or Preference can be removed in two ways:

  1. Select “Inventory” then “Manage Options”.

  2. Select the (x) symbol to the right of the desired Option/Preference.

  3. Save. The option/preference is disabled and no longer accessible online.

  4. Or, select “Inventory” then “Manage Options”.

  5. Select the Edit symbol to the right of the desired Option/Preference.

  6. De-select the “Active” box.

  7. Save. The option/preference is disabled and no longer accessible online.

Adding an Option Group

Option Groups can be created to group similar Options together.

  1. Note that Option Groups apply only to Options, and not to Preferences.

  2. The Options must be built prior to the Option Groups.

  3. Select “Inventory” then “Manage Option Groups”.

  4. Select “+Add an Option Group”.

  5. Group Code: Create a code that will be associated with this Option Group.

  6. Max Checked: Specifies how many Options in this Option Group can be selected by the booker.

  7. Sort Order: Specifies the sort order in which this Option Group will be displayed to the booker.

  8. Add/Remove the Options to the Option Group: Select the Options that are to be in this Option Group.  They must be selected as Active to appear online.

  9. Edit/Create Translations for Option Groups: Enter an optional description for the Option Group.

  10. Save.

Editing an Option Group

The most common edit to an Option Group is the addition or removal of an Option from the Option Group.

  1. Select “Inventory” then “Manage Option Groups”.

  2. Select the Edit button next to the desired Option Group.

  3. Add or remove the Option from the Option Group by selecting the check-box to the right under “Add/Remove Options to the Option Group”.

  4. Adjust the Option Group Name or Description as required.

  5. Save.

Removing an Option Group

  1. Select “Inventory” then “Manage Option Groups”.

  2. Select the trash bin icon to the right of the desired Option Group.

  3. Save.

  4. The Option Group is disabled and no longer accessible online.

Under review. (WIP) 

Inventory Items

Inventory items are created, priced, and inventoried within Visual One, and can transfer to chameleon™.

Inventory items will only appear as bookable in chameleon™ if there is inventory for them in Visual One; if the item is not inventoried, it will always appear as available.

To have Inventory Items appear online:  

  1. The Inventory Item must be created inside Visual One. If you are unsure how to create Inventory Items, please contact Agilysys Support for assistance.

  2. Ensure Inventory Items that are to appear in chameleon™ are marked as "Available on Web" at Manager > Options > Inventory Items > Inventory Items Rooms > Allow on Web.

The inventory item code must then be mapped in the OTA Monitor at OTA Monitor > the wrench icon (edit) > Code Routing.

  1. Select the "Code Category" as "Inventory". 

  2. Create the Inventory Item, ensuring that the OTA Code and the Visual One Code are identical. Note: upper case letters are required.

  3. Save.

Third, create the Option in the b4checkin Admin Site. See "Adding an Option or Preference", above.


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