Visual One PROFILE MERGE & chameleon™
Included Below
About Guest Profiles in chameleon™
Guest profiles in chameleon™ are identified by the email address of the guest or booker, and a unique identifier called the “Ref ID”.
To complete their first booking, guests and bookers provide an email address and create a password, which create their profile in chameleon™. When the booking is transferred into Visual One, it creates a profile in Visual One.
If a guest forgets their password, they can use the “Forgot Your Password” feature in chameleon™.
About Visual One Profile Merge
Properties may routinely carry out a Merging of Guest Profiles in Visual One to resolve duplicate accounts that naturally occur when guest, bookers or property personnel inadvertently create new profiles for the same individual, when a previous profile already exists.
This merging has different impacts on chameleon™ profiles, depending on how the merge is carried out, because when duplicate accounts exist in Visual One for the same person, normally only one of those duplicates is associated with their chameleon™ profile.
The objective during a Visual One merge should be to merge the duplicates that are not associated with chameleon™ into the profile that is associated with chameleon™, in order to preserve that association. Sometimes, this is not done because one of the other profiles is more complete or more accurate, or simply by being unaware that this is how to preserve the association with chameleon™.
If the unassociated profiles are not merged into the associated profile, the guest or booker is no longer able to log into chameleon™ until the remaining profile is reconnected to chameleon™ following the merge.
Profile Merge & Reconciling chameleon™ to Visual One
The property first completes the Visual One Merge, and then must reconnect the remaining profile to the chameleon™ profile, through the b4checkin Admin Site.
- Merging has been completed by the property in Visual One, indifferent to which profile is being retained, with the result that the remaining Visual One profile for the individual is no longer connected to the chameleon™.
- Identify and save the “Ref ID” as it appears on the “General Guest Information” tab in the Visual One guest profile. You will need this ID in later steps.
In the b4checkin Admin Site, select “Reservations” then “Manage Guests”.
Select the Edit button to the right of the desired Guest Profile.
Adjust the PMS ID to match the Ref ID found in Visual One.
The Visual One profile is now reconnect to the profile in chameleon™ and log-in is re-enabled.
Profile Merge & Reconciling Visual One to chameleon™
This method involves merging the duplicate profiles into the profile that was made through chameleon™.
- In the b4checkin Admin Site, select “Reservations” then “Manage Guests”.
- Select the details button to the right of the desired Guest Profile.
- Identify and save the “PMS ID” that appears on the View Guest Details screen. You will need this ID in future steps.
- Within Visual One, retain the Guest Profiles with the PMS ID existing in chameleon™. The field that the PMS ID must match is the “Ref ID” found on the “General Guest Information” tab in the Visual One guest profile.
- Once other duplicates in Visual One have been merged into the profile containing the appropriate Ref id, the individual continues to be able to log into chameleon™.
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