FAQ - guest profiles overwritten by new reservations

FAQ - guest profiles overwritten by new reservations

Overwritten Guest Profiles

Guest Profiles can be overwritten if chameleon™ confirmation numbers are set so low that they conflict with previous reservations in Visual One.

The existing guest may receive a confirmation email for a reservation they have not created, or the guest who created the new reservation will report incorrect details on their reservation summary.

  1. Determine the final interface ID (confirmation number) that was made through chameleon™. This is essential to know for the fix.

  2. The interface ID then must be adjusted in the "PMS Settings" of the b4checkin Admin Site.

    1. Select "Manage Your Properties" then the property in question.

    2. Select "PMS Settings".

    3. Adjust the interface ID field to a number significantly higher than the last used.

    4. Save.

  3. Notify b4checkin to have a developer fix the issue. The developer will need the following:

    1. The final interface ID (confirmation number) prior to being changed.

    2. The new interface ID.

    3. The confirmation number of the reservation that had overwritten previous guest information.

    4. Screenshots of the reservation in the OTA monitor. Both the opening screen and the XML.

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