SignNow - document signature management

SignNow - document signature management

Included Below

SignNow Documentation & Support

Note that this document covers only b4checkin customizations.

Full documentation of Document Management for users is available by selecting Support within SignNow, and then typing in your questions on how to create documents, templates and signers and how to send documents out for e-signing.

SignNow Support is available to all users through the Support link, and at 800-366-0593, 888-785-1150, or by email at premium@signnow.com

User Management

  1. SignNow for b4checkin customers is accessed through the b4checkin Admin Site.

  2. To set up an account, b4checkin's Project Manager must email Kaylyn Blum at kblum@airslate.com asking to set up a new master user for a new property while advising her of:

    a)  company name (always use the full name as we show it in salesforce & JIRA)
    b)  the first Admin User's name and email address
    c)  confirmation of the number of Users the property will require.

    Kaylyn will create, or have someone create the company and the Admin User, who will then receive an email which enables them to create their password.

  3. Once the first Admin User has been created by SignNow, that individual is able to create the additional SignNow User records required by the property by logging into SignNow through the b4checkin Admin Site, and selecting 'Admin Console' or 'Add User' from SignNow.

    Once the property's Admin for SignNow creates a new User within SignNow, the system sends an email to that new user, inviting them to create a password.

    After the User has created a password, that password must be added to their User record in the b4checkin Admin Site in order to be able to use SignNow from within the Admin Site.

    Once the SignNow password has been added to the individual's User record in the Admin Site, logging into the b4checkin Admin Site automatically also logs that user into SignNow, causing SignNow to be available to that User from within the b4checkin Admin Site.

  4. The property Admin User for SignNow can also create any Teams required by the property to ensure each department can only see their own documents and templates. Documentation of how to create Teams is available through the Support link within SignNow.

  5. The property Admin User for SignNow is also able to manage the content of the footer in SignNow emails by selecting 'Organization Admin Panel'.

Temporary Note
regarding login through our Admin Site

Currently only those with permission to manage Users and Permission Groups is able to enter the SignNow password into the b4checkin Admin Site User record.

However, there is an enhancement coming soon that eliminates the need for the Property SuperUser to enter the passwords of SignNow users into their b4checkin User record. This enhancement will enable users to enter their own password into their user record in the b4checkin Admin Site, eliminating the need for Users to give their password to a SuperUser who can manage Users & Permissions.

CHM-11026 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Credit Card Protection

  1. When you create a document or template that asks the Signer to submit a credit card number, the document can no longer be downloaded, emailed or merged.

    In order to access any document that contains a credit card number, the sender must log into SignNow and view the form within SignNow.

  2. To add a credit card field to a document or template, create a Text input field and select Validation Type 'Credit Card Number'.

    It is only the inclusion of this specific field type that disables downloading, emailing and merging the document.

  3. Note that credit card numbers must be entered including dashes. For example: 4111-1111-1111-1111


There are two options to include a hyperlink within a document:

  1. If you are using a document - and not a template - you can select the Settings cog wheel located to the left of the 'Done' button, and select 'Redirect After Signing' and then enter a web address.

    This will cause the Signer to be sent directly to that web page as soon as they have signed your document and selected 'Done'.

    As the system does not announce the redirect, it is important that your form contains a clear explanation that this will happen and what action is expected from the Signer once they reach the new address.

    Note that using this method, the Signer is only re-directed to the web page once, immediately upon Signing and selecting 'Done'.

  2. A preferable method is to insert a custom Hyperlink Field into your document.

    This enables you to label the link as you wish.

    This method is also re-usable, meaning that once the Signer has signed the document and selected 'Done', they can re-open the document after it has been signed, and still access the hyperlink.

    It is important to note that they cannot do this if the document also contains a text field with credit card number validation. As a single document is normally used to EITHER collect a credit card number OR to redirect the signer to b4easypost, the two functions - using the credit card field, or using the hyperlink field - are normally exclusive.


  1. Company logos can be uploaded into SignNow, to appear both on the document display page, and in the notification emails.

    Select your profile avatar in the upper right corner of the screen, and select Custom Logo.

    Once uploaded, the logo should appear within less than an hour. Should it fail to do so, please contact SignNow Support.

    The logo appears quite small in the upper left corner of the SignNow screen. Display size cannot be adjusted.

    We believe the size of the uploaded file has an impact on the display size within the emails sent by SignNow.

  2. The address line that appears as a footer on notification emails from SignNow can also be customized by the Admin User, by selecting 'Organization Admin Panel', the organization name, and Email Template.

Document Creation Tips

  1. Finalize your form or template form in Word. Once you have uploaded your form, you cannot edit the page lay-out; you can only "program" the fields you need to be filled in by the recipient. You must therefore finalize your form first, while it is in Word.

  2. Once your form is ready, upload it into SignNow by opening SignNow under Add-Ons -> Documents, and then dragging your Word document onto the SignNow screen. All uploaded documents will initially appear in the Documents folder in SignNow.

  3. Once your form is in your Documents folder in SignNow, select it so that it opens in SignNow.

  4. Set up the Signers with any necessary routing. If the document needs to be handled by more than one recipient, you can set up multiple Signers and you can specify if the document is to go to all the Signers at the same time, or if one party needs to sign off before the other party receives the document. You can set up such a hierarchy of Signers by grouping them appropriately.

  5. Once your Signers are defined, each field you designate to be completed on your form is assigned to a specific Signer. Each Signer is color coded, so you can easily tell which field is assigned to which Signer.

  6. As you program each field that your Signers must complete, the input configurations let you specify if the field is mandatory, along with other details as appropriate to each field type.

  7. Once all the fields that your Signers must complete have been configured, select Done to save your document.

For additional instructions on preparing forms and templates and for sending documents for signature, refer to Support documentation available within SignNow.

Shared Templates by Team & Organization Admin for Email Footers

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