

Included Below

Notes on Messages

Messages displayed by b4checkin products are not pulled from the property management system but are configured in the b4checkin Admin Site.

Users of the b4checkin Admin Site can create, edit and delete many of the Messages that appear in b4checkin products.

Adding a Message

  1. Select “Settings” then “Manage Messages”.

  2. Select “+ Add a Message”.

  3. Rate Plan ID: Messages may be tied to specific Rate Plans. If applicable, select the Tariff, Package or Booking ID that must be selected by the booker to cause the Message to appear.

  4. Room Type ID: Messages may be tied to specific Room Types under a Tariff, Package or Booking ID. If applicable, select the Room Type that must be selected by the booker to cause the Message to appear.

  5. Message Type: Numerous Message Types exist. The (?) symbol beside this field provides a pop-up that describes some suggested uses for various Message Types. Each Message Type displays in a specific location during the booking process. Display locations are described below.

  6. Start Date: Select the date on which this Message should begin to display.

  7. End Date: Select the last date on which this Message should display.

    Note: Select the month to fast forward through numerous months, or select the year to fast forward through numerous years.

  8. Append this message to default message: Causes this Message to be added to the default message, rather than replacing the default message.

  9. Sort Order: Determines the order in which Messages will appear when there are multiple Messages to display. 

  10. Enter the Message text into the message text field.

  11. Save.

Editing a Message

  1. Select “Settings” then “Manage Messages”.

  2. Select the Edit button next to the desired Message.

  3. Make all desired adjustments. 

  4. Save.

Removing a Message

A Message can be removed only by deleting it. There is no recovery or undo feature for deletions.

  1. Select “Settings” then “Manage Messages”.

  2. Select the trash bin icon next to the desired Message.

  3. This Message is now deleted and cannot be recovered.

Message Types in chameleon™ (WIP)

Message Type


UX1 Location

UX2 Location

UX3 Location


Message by Rate Plan (Tariff, Package, Filecard, or Group Booking ID) and Room Type. Typically used to display information about the Rate Plan selected, such as inclusions, or to advise that a valid government ID must be presented upon check-in.

Below the header of the first page; under the booking details.

Near the top of the screen, just under the page header.

In Step 3; reservation summary box on the right.


Message by rate plan (tariff, package, filecard, or group booking ID) and room type that will appear on the first page of the reservation process. This can be used to show information about the rate plan selected, such as inclusions or that a valid government ID is needed.

Below the header of the first page; under the booking details.

In messages banner along the top of the screen; under the task bar.

In Step 3; reservation summary box on the right.


General message that applies to specified rate plans within a date range. An example could be that the swimming pool is closed for maintenance the week of June 1.

Below the header of the first page; under the booking details.

In messages banner along the top of the screen; under the task bar.

In Step 3; reservation summary box on the right.

Cancellation policy

Default cancellation policy.

On payment page above the credit card details.

On payment page above the credit card details.

On payment page above the credit card details.

Terms and conditions

Other policies. Examples include smoking policy, pet policy, etc.

On payment page when the "Terms and Conditions" link is selected.

On payment page when the "Terms and Conditions" link is selected.

In Step 3 when Step 1 Terms is enabled. Also on payment page when the "Terms & Conditions" link is selected.

Loyalty program

Marketing details about a loyalty program. 

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Driving instructions

Instructions for driving to the property.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Things to do

Highlight any 'things to do' during a visit.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Payment instructions

Highlight any 'payment instructions' such as deposit rules, etc.

On payment page under credit card expiry drop-down.

On payment page under credit card expiry drop-down.

On payment page under credit card expiry drop-down.

Link to Facebook

Text link to your business Facebook account.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Link to Twitter

Text link to your business Twitter account.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Link to Youtube

Text link to your business Youtube page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Link to TripAdvisor

Text link to your business TripAdvisor listing.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Link to WordPress

Text link to your business blog.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Link to weather

Text link to preferred weather forecast.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Link to places of interest

Text link to Places of Interest.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Link to Google Maps

Text link to Google Maps.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Link to local events

Text link to Local Events.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Couples only

Text indicating you allow couples only.

Where booker selects the # of adults/children on the calendar overlay.

Where booker selects the # of adults/children under "Your Details".

Where booker selects the # of adults/children below the task bar.

Link to Instagram

Text link to your business Instagram account.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page message

A thank you message upon completing a booking.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Confirmation page.

Value Privacy Message

Appears on UX3 only.




Link to email

Links to appear in the task bar of chameleon™ emails (confirmation, change, cancel).

On confirmation, change, cancellation, pre-arrival, and post stay emails.

On confirmation, change, cancellation, pre-arrival, and post stay emails.

On confirmation, change, cancellation, pre-arrival, and post stay emails.

Loyalty code title

The loyalty field, if enabled, enables bookers to enter a Loyalty program ID. This is the label for that field. 

On payment page.

On payment page..

On page A of guest information.

Room type unavailability

If you have chosen to hide unavailable rooms, this message will appear when all Rooms Types are unavailable for criteria selected.

Takes the place of the rooms when all Room Types are unavailable.

Takes the place of the rooms when all Room Types are unavailable.

Takes the place of the rooms when all Room Types are unavailable.

Purchase order title





RLP Email Body Email

Default email body text when emailing a Rate Landing Page.

Groups > Manage RLPs > Select the email button for the desired Rate Landing Page.

Groups > Manage RLPs > Select the email button for the desired Rate Landing Page.

Groups > Manage RLPs > Select the email button for the desired Rate Landing Page.

Terms and conditions title

Title for policies the booker must acknowledge and accept when booking, should you wish to call these something other than "Terms and Conditions".

On payment page when the "Terms and Conditions" link is selected.

On payment page when the "Terms and Conditions" link is selected.

In Step 3 when Step 1 Terms is enabled. Also on payment page when the "Terms and Conditions" link is selected.

Room type unavailable – group

If you have chosen to have your rooms disappear when unavailable, this message will appear for all Booking IDs when all rooms are unavailable for the selected criteria.

Takes the place of the rooms when all Room Types are unavailable.

Takes the place of the rooms when all Room Types are unavailable.

Takes the place of the rooms when all Room Types are unavailable.

Terms and conditions validation




Message Screenshots from chameleon™ UX1

Message Screenshots from chameleon™ UX2

Message Screenshots from chameleon™ UX3

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