Booking Widgets & GettaRoom (aka chameleon)

Booking Widgets & GettaRoom (aka chameleon)

Included Below

About Booking Widgets

Some properties use a simple "Book Now" button to send visitors from their website to the opening page of GettaRoom (chameleon™), with no data pre-selected.

A Booking Widget is a more functional link which resides on the property website and is comprised of a few preliminary fields which the booker fills in before clicking through into GettaRoom (chameleon™).

The Widget normally includes date selectors, as well as occupant count selectors (number of adults and/or number of children, etc.).

The booker fills in the details requested by the Widget on the Widget, before clicking a Go button that is typically labelled "Check Availability". The booker is then sent to GettaRoom (chameleon™) by the Widget, with the details selected on the Widget pre-populated within GettaRoom (chameleon™), increasing the seamlessness of the booking process. 

Booking Widget Creation

  1. Booking Widget code is created by the property web team or web supplier typically using Javascript. While b4checkin does not create Widgets, a sample can be provided upon request, to be emulated.

  2. The Widget builder will need to know the property's link to GettaRoom (chameleon™), which is available from the b4checkin Account Manager only available after GettaRoom (chameleon™) has been built and tested.

  3. The Widget builder will need to be aware of the fields that the property wishes to include in the Widget.

    Options include Arrival Date and Departure Date, and can also include Number of Adults and Number of Children (Occupant counts must be broken down into categories as they are in Visual One).

    Note that Number of Rooms cannot be included in the Widget.

  4. The Widget and associated HTML mini-form holds the values which the user selects on the widget for the Javascript to gather and organize into a query string that GettaRoom (chameleon™) can use.

    The booker is redirected to the first page of GettaRoom (chameleon™) which then shows the fields which the booker had entered into the Widget, already populated.

  5. The Query String variables for the typical Agilysys Visual One fields are:


Querystring Name

Expected Format

Example Value

Number of Adults




Number of Children




Number of Youthyouthcount



Number of Other 1other1count



Number of Other 2other2count



Date of Arrival




Date of Departure




Tariff or Package



“BAR” or “AAA”

Group or Booking ID




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