Siteminder Post-Launch Cheat Sheet

Siteminder Post-Launch Cheat Sheet

Included Below

Adding a New Tariff to Siteminder

  1. The property must build the Tariff in Visual One.

    A tariff code cannot have any spaces or special characters in it.

    Special characters include any of the following:




















  2. The property must ensure that the Tariff is "Available on Web" in the Web Settings.

    Properties access screen at: Manager Sub-Systems →  Options → Web Settings → Room Rates

  3. The property must ensure that the Tariff code is mapped in the OTA Monitor.

  4. The property must engage Siteminder to ensure that the Tariff is mapped to the appropriate Room Types.

  5. The property must notify Agilysys Support that a new Tariff needs to be added to the b4checkin API
  6. b4checkin will require a list of room types that this Tariff applies to.

  7. The new Tariff is live only after all mappings have been completed.

Adding a New Room Type to Siteminder

  1. The property must build the Room Type in Visual One.

    A room type code cannot have any spaces or special characters in it.

    Special characters include any of the following:




















  2. The property must ensure that the Room Type is "Available on Web" in the Web Settings.

    Properties access this at: Manager Sub-Systems →  Options → Web Settings → Room Types

  3. The property must ensure that the Room Type code is mapped in the OTA Monitor.

  4. The property must engage Siteminder to ensure that the Room Type is mapped to the appropriate Tariffs.

  5. The property must notify Agilysys Support that a new Room Type needs to be added to the b4checkin API.

  6. Note that b4checkin will require a list of Rate Types that this Room Type should apply to.

  7. The new room type is live only after all mappings have been completed.

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