TransForm - mailer - lock down your payment page URL

TransForm - mailer - lock down your payment page URL

Use this feature in your transaction category set ups for added protection from random (and perhaps fraudulent) payment requests.

The following setting will only allow payments to be made from the emailed payment requests you create and send through the TransForm Mailer, and will disable submitting from your payment page when accessed directly (e.g. www.transform.com/hotelname)

Included below …

How to lock down your payment page

When you set up a transaction category, turn OFF the option called SHOW ON PAYMENT PAGE to cause the transaction category to be inaccessible on your payment page when accessed from your URL (e.g. www.transform.com/hotelname).



Turning SHOW ON PAYMENT PAGE off will cause the transaction category to disappear from your payment page when accessed by URL (e.g. www.transform.com/hotelname). Anyone who accesses your page by its direct URL will not be shown the transaction category. Only legitimate customers to whom you have sent a payment request email will be able to see that transaction category.

To fully secure your payment page URL, just turn SHOW ON PAYMENT PAGE off in all of your transaction categories.


What your page will look like from the direct URL

If you set all transaction categories to not be shown on the payment page, anyone using your direct URL will see the following message, and will be unable to use the page.


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