Elavon Fusebox Error Codes

Elavon Fusebox Error Codes

Common error messages


  • 1003 - Elavon Gateway Response Code - A code (up to 4 characters) that allows the POS application to determine the result of the transaction. See examples below.

  • 1004 - Host Response Message - This message is the TPP or host (or system external to the Elavon Gateway) mapped to the value returned in API Field 1009 to provide a verbose response.

  • 1009 - Host Response Code - This code is the TPP or host code passed back to the Elavon Gateway application.

  • 1010 - Elavon Gateway Response Message - The verbose description of the Elavon Gateway response code from an internal table.


You are able to see the response codes in the Fusebox UI as well. First, drill into a transaction, then look at a tab for responses.


Here is some more information on AVS / CVC responses:


Address Verification Service (AVS)

AVS is a required service in the Direct Marketing industry. The cardholder’s billing zip code must be supplied to meet minimum industry requirements.

An address verification request must be performed on the cardholder’s billing ZIP Code to obtain improved qualification status and lower processing costs. It is the responsibility of the POS to interpret the AVS Response (field 1020) to ensure that the merchant is not exposed to risk in processing the transaction.

CVV2 / CVC2 / CID Validation

CVV2, CVC2, and CID are values that can be included in the authorization request when a card is not present. Passing this data with direct marketing transactions helps protect the merchant against chargebacks.

It is the responsibility of the POS to interpret the CVV2/CVC2/CID Response (field 0040) to ensure that the merchant is not exposed to risk in processing the transaction.



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