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Table of Contents

Agilysys Visual One Web Settings

Log into Visual One with an account that has Manager’s rights.

Go to Manager Sub-Systems → Options → Web Settings → Setup tab

  • Hotel Home Page: required when saving, but chameleon™ does not use this field. Can ; can be any value. 

  • Local Server Address: required when saving, but chameleon™ does not use this field. Can ; can be any value. 

  • Hotel Email Address: required when saving, but chameleon™ does not use this field. Can ; can be any value.  

  • Mail Server: required when saving, but chameleon™ does not use this field. Can ; can be any value. 

  • Minimum Arrival Days: This is the only field in the Set-Up tab that chameleon™ uses.

    If set to 0, same day arrival bookings will be permitted.
    If set to 1, the earliest a booking can be made is tomorrow.
    Can be set for further out to define even greater required lead time for booking bookings to be accepted.

Switches Tab

  • Under Default Market Segments, chameleon™ looks at Guest Type, Segment 2, Origin and Market Channel.

  • Those fields are required for saving, and are used as back-up for chameleon™ mapping.

  • b4checkin recommends It recommended that you map your custom market segments Market Segments in the OTA Monitor for each tariff Tariff or package Package offered online.

  • chameleon™ does not use any other settings in the Switches tab.

Room Types Tab

  • For the rooms that should display on the engine, Room Types to display on chameleon™, you must select the check mark in the column titled Show. Only those room types specified to Show Room Types will be offered by chameleon™.

  • Room descriptions Descriptions are defined on this screen in the “Description” field and will update in chameleon™ in real time.

  • Inform b4checkin of all room types Room Types that you want to display, so we can confirm chameleon™ is able to access to each type. 

  • You may group similar room types Room Types in chameleon™ as Room Groups to be presented in chameleon™ in separate tabs. These Room Group tabs must be set up created by your b4checkin Account Manager.

  • For more information, see See Agilysys Visual One Room Types & chameleon™.

Room Pictures

  • Room pictures are set up initially installed by b4checkin, but you can change them from the chameleon™ admin portalb4checkin Admin Site.

  • When sending photos to b4checkin, please ensure that the filenames of the photos match the room type Room Type code specified in Visual One.

Room Counts

  • Each room type Room Type must have room count Count values entered in the web settings Web Settings of Visual One to be sold by chameleon™.

    1. Specify a date range and select "Get Room Counts".

    2. The "Sell to" column indicates the number of rooms that you want to hold back from general availability.

      1. If "sell to=0", chameleon™ will sell online until the general availability is zero.

      2. If "sell to = 5", chameleon™ will stop selling online when 5 rooms are left in general availability.

    3. The number of rooms entered under each "room type" Room Type is the number of rooms (per room type) that chameleon™ will sell each night.

      1. Note that chameleon™ will never overbook regardless of what is set here.

      2. If "BSRQ=70" then chameleon™ will sell 70 BSRQ rooms, assuming all 70 are available. If you specify only 70 and have 80 in inventory, chameleon™ will leave 10 rooms for other channels to sell.

    4. To apply the value to the entire date range, select the top row of the column and click the small grey rectangle that appears in the right corner of the box.

Room Rates

  • You must specify which tariffs Tariffs you want chameleon™ to offer.

  • Each rate must be checked as available in the web settings Web Settings in order to appear on chameleon™. Select the checkmark by the desired room type(s) in the left-hand column entitled Show.

  • In order to To add a tariff Tariff to chameleon™, you use the chameleon™ the b4checkin Admin portalSite. 

  • Specify if you want the Tariff to be included in the chameleon™ drop-down menu. 

  • If the tariff Tariff is included in the drop-down, you can provide verbiage about the rate which will display in the reservation summary section of the enginechameleon™.

  • chameleon™ cannot display use any package or tariff codes Package Code or Tariff Code that contain the following characters.




















  • If you are unable to view any tariffs Tariffs in the room rates Room Rates tab of the web settingsWeb Settings, select the check-box "offer discounted ratesOffer Discounted Rates?".

Extra Person Charges

  • Extra person charges must be set in the “Per Person Increments” section of Visual One.



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