FAQ - bookings error and reservations go into Visual One as "LOST"

Troubleshooting "LOST" Bookings

  1. Notifications

    When bookers receive an error, an incomplete booking is normally logged as a "LOST" reservation in Visual One.

    Normally, the property will want to contact the booker to collect the remaining required details.

    The property should receive a notification email with the Subject line "Booking X was not finished".

    1. If the property does not receive such emails, check that the "Send BN Error to Hotel" check-box has been selected in the b4checkin Admin Site under "Edit Property" > "PMS Settings".

  2. Has the Tariff or Package been mapped in the OTA Monitor?

    1. Ask for a screenshot of the Tariff or Package mapped in the OTA Monitor.

      1. The "Rate Plan" field must match the Tariff or Package Code exactly, and are case sensitive.

      2. Package or Tariff must be selected in the appropriate drop-down menu.

      3. The "Use Custom Market Segments" check-box should be selected, and the appropriate codes need to be associated.

    2. If the Tariff or Package has not been mapped, have it mapped, save and re-test.

  3. Are the Room Types mapped in the OTA Monitor?

    1. Ask for a screenshot of the Room Types mapped in the OTA Monitor.

      1. All Room Types that are "Available on Web" must be selected and mapped in the "Room Types" tab.

      2. If the Room Type has not been mapped, have it mapped, save and re-test.

  4. Is the reservation logging in the OTA Monitor?

    1. If so, ask for a screenshot of the first screen that appears in the OTA Monitor.

      1. Have the property double click on the reservation in question, copy and paste the XML text that appears, and send it to Support.

      2. This is what the OTA Monitor looks like with details:

    2. If there is an error appearing in the "Comments" section of this screen, the error must be sent to Support for troubleshooting.

      1. Common errors include:

        1. Room Type is not mapped,
        2. Tariff or Package is not mapped,
        3. The Room Type requires advanced blocking.

    3. If nothing appears in the OTA Monitor:

      1. This is what the OTA Monitor looks like when details are not available:

      2. Agilysys or b4checkin must check the BN Web Service URL to ensure that it is accessible in a browser.


        1. The page display a working SSL Certificate, like so:

        2. if the SSL certificate is invalid or using incorrect credentials, this will appear:

    4. If the OTA Monitor is blank and the BN Web Service loads correctly, Visual One Support must be contacted and b4checkin must send API error emails to Visual One for troubleshooting.

  5. Has the property recently implemented Freedom Pay (rGuestPay)?

    1. Have b4checkin confirm that the Freedom Pay URL is being used in the b4checkin API.

      If not, b4checkin will require the Freedom Pay Endpoint URL from Visual One, and will need to update the property's API connection.

    2. Re-test once the API has been updated to confirm that reservations complete.

    3. If reservations continue to error, the Visual One Project Manager will need to confirm that the boarding process was completed correctly.

  6. Have the property open a Visual One Support ticket to check the BN Web Service to see if there are any errors being logged.

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