b4feedback .CSV Format for Uploading Invitation Lists

Included Below

About .csv Imports for b4feedback

To send survey invitations for non-interfaced systems, or to manually trigger invitations to a designated group of visitors, you can upload an Excel .csv file into b4feedback, provided the data is formatted correctly.

This method of triggering invitations to complete your survey can be used for any list for which at least a first name, last name and email address is available.

Excel .csv File Format

There are two possible formats that will work when preparing your .csv file for upload - a compact format containing only 3 columns, or a more detailed format consisting of 8 columns. A sample of each is attached below.

There must be no additional columns, and there must be no missing columns from what is shown in the samples.

The order of the columns must be identical to the examples provided.

The column heading text can vary, but each column must contain the data specified in the examples.

If using the 8 column format, the dates appearing in the arrival and departure columns must be formatted as YYYY/MM/DD or DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY only. Other date formats such as "14 June 18" or "June 14, 2108" and other variants will cause import failure. Any empty date fields will use yesterday's date.

If there is an invalid or missing email address in the email address column, that record will simply be skipped during the import.

If you are starting with an Excel file, to convert it to CSV, use Save As and select File Type 'CSV comma delimited'.

Sample CSV Files

To view either of these samples to see required formatting, you must download the file and open it in Excel. Viewing just the thumbnail will display the data only as comma-delimited, rather than as spreadsheet columns. To see the columns, you must download the file and open it in Excel.

To download, select the thumbnail and use the download arrow in the upper right menu.

Sending Invitations from a CSV File

Once your file is prepared and formatted as described, above, following are the steps to send the invitations:

1. It is strongly advised that before sending to your list, you also prepare a test .CSV file that contains your own email address so that you can receive a preview of the invitation before you send it out to your actual list.

2. Log into b4feedback Admin using your email address and password. If you do not have a log-in contact your Account Manager at b4checkin.

3. Select Admin from the main navigation bar.

4. Select Import Guest & Stay Data at the bottom of the left navigation panel.

5. Select your Survey and Property from the drop-downs.

6. Next to 'Select a CSV file, select 'Choose File', navigate to the location of your CSV file and select the file.

7. Select the button labelled 'Import Guest/Stay Records' to begin processing.

Important Note: If you see two buttons, be sure to select the correct one. The correct button is labelled 'Import Guest/Stay Records'.

Wait until you receive a confirmation message on the screen telling you how many records were created and how many invitations were sent.

After sending invitations, you can also run the 'Invitations by Date' report to check that the import triggered invitations successfully.

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