Interfaced to Agilysys Visual One
Available standard email types:
Reservation Confirmation
Reservation Change
Reservation Cancellation
Pre-Arrival - an email sent a single designated number of days prior to arrival, most commonly 3 or 7 days; typically includes up-selling information aimed at encouraging higher spend
Post-Stay: an email sent a single designated number of days after departure, most commonly 2 or 14 days; may wish to replace with b4feedback survey invitation
Mid-Stay: an email sent 24 hours after the guest has arrived; commonly includes up-selling information
Email purchase options:
chameleon™ automatically includes the option to send confirmation, change and cancellation emails at time of transaction
b4mailer may be purchased as a stand-alone product or to accompany chameleon™
b4mailer includes the option to send confirmation, change and cancellation, pre-arrival and post stay emails for all guests, regardless booking method
b4mailer includes the optional manual email tool which enables property personnel to manually send or re-send emails
chameleon™ Plus includes b4mailer
chameleon™ Best includes b4mailer
b4arrival is an add-on for sending online check-in emails (pre-arrival services) to all guests, regardless of booking method
b4receipts is an add-on for sending paperless receipt emails for speedy check-out services and to reduce folio printing upon check-out
Functionality available for all email types: