Siteminder Interface Installation Steps
As b4checkin simply provides an interface, there is no requirement to connect with the property team. The Agilysys Project Manager will field the questions from the property and liaise with b4checkin when required. Communication to the property is owned by the Agilysys Project Manager.
- Purchasing Process:
The property must contact their Agilysys Sales Representative for a contract for the Siteminder Interface. A purchase order order from Agilysys will then be triggered to b4checkin.
The property must also contact their Account Manager or a Sales Representative at Siteminder for this interface. If the property is not already contracted with Siteminder, they can inquire through the Siteminder website. - The Sales Representative or the Account Manager at Siteminder will trigger the installation process.
- The Agilysys Project Manager will engage the property in a kick-off call where the following is discussed:
- What the interface does.
- The importance of providing information that matches what is built in the PMS.
- Any additional Visual One training, if required. Example: if the property is not aware of how to build a derived tariff.
- Steps required to a set-up a Tariff and Room Type for this interface.
- Mapping must be done in the OTA Monitor
- Mapping must be done by b4checkin
- Mapping must be done by Siteminder
- Discussion of the Room Types that the property wishes to sell via Siteminder.
- Discussion of the Tariffs that the property wishes to sell via Siteminder.
- What the interface does.
- The Agilysys Project Manager will coordinate providing the property access to the Web Settings inside Visual One. It is likely that the property will require training on how these Web Settings operate.
- Items required to be set-up in the Web Settings are:
- Room types enabled on web
- Tariffs enabled on web
- Room counts must be set far in the future
- Room types enabled on web
- If the property is also subscribing to chameleon™, training in Web Settings is probably complete; however, if they are not using chameleon™, training in Web Settings will not be provided by b4checkin.
- Items required to be set-up in the Web Settings are:
- The Agilysys Project Manager will coordinate the installation of the BN Web Service with the property. See Agilysys Visual One Connectivity - The Agilysys BN Web Service/wiki/spaces/LIBRARY/pages/414221034
Once the BN Web Service is installed, the Agilysys Project Manager and b4checkin Account Manager will coordinate the installation of the b4checkin API at the property. See Agilysys Visual One Connectivity CONNECTIVITY - The b4checkin API (Application Programming Interface)
- The property will require training by Agilysys in the OTA Monitor.
- As soon as the connection is approved by Siteminder, the PMS integration team at Siteminder will prepare the set-up spreadsheet with all of the required connection credentials. This spreadsheet will be sent to the Agilysys PM, who will forward it to the b4checkin Account Manager.
The property details must be completed on this spreadsheet and must match the Visual One Web Settings. If the information does not match exactly what is in the PMS, the Interface will not work. - The Siteminder PMS Integrations team will proceed with completing the setup and get in touch with b4checkin through to complete to their mappings.
- Siteminder is required to complete mapping of the appropriate Room Types and Rate Types. Any time a property wishes to add a Room Type or Rate Type to Siteminder, Siteminder Support must be notified to complete the necessary mappings.
- Siteminder contacts the property for training.
- The b4checkin Account Manager then builds the necessary chameleon™ database. See GDS Settings in chameleon™.
Note: the caching app button is not required to be set on the "PMS Settings" on the Property record. The action of enabling Siteminder on the Room Types and Rate Types automatically enables the caching app. - A member of the b4checkin Professional Services team will map the Room Type and Rate Type combinations required.
Note: Any time a property wishes to add a Room Type or Rate Type to Siteminder, b4checkin must be notified to complete these necessary mappings. - The property must ensure that all Rate Types and Room Types for Siteminder are mapped in the OTA Monitor. See Agilysys Visual One Connectivity CONNECTIVITY - The Agilysys OTA Monitor.
- Testing will be completed by Siteminder.
- The property can then go live; Siteminder must flip the switch.
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